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CouponzDirect's service ensures you never miss out on digital manufacturer or in-store grocery or pharmacy coupons again as we apply them directly onto your store loyalty card(s) as they become available. To get our service just register your store loyalty card(s) with us, pay for our service (obviously!) and we take care of the rest.

Once you've registered your store loyalty card(s) with us and paid for our service, you will receive emails letting you know just how many coupons have been applied to your account so you know what you can save before you shop.

With CouponzDirect all you really need to do is just shop as usual, provide your store loyalty card at checkout (or provide the telephone number associated to the card) and see savings instantly come off of your shopping bill!

It's not rocket science! Spend what's less than the price of drink or two to save $$$. So come on and join CouponzDirect today and enjoy the added bonus of the time you will also save as you no longer have to search for those valuable savings!